Background: It is unclear whether the prevalence of gallbladder stones (GBS) is higher in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Methods: A total of 398 patients with CKD of each of the 5 disease stages [CKD1: 26; CKD2: 52; CKD3: 58; CKD4: 48; CKD5: 214, of whom 61 were predialysis and 153 were on dialysis (CKD5D)] were included in this study. Those in whom GBS were detected by ultrasonographic examination or who had a history of cholecystectomy owing to GBS were considered GBS patients.
Results: In comparison to the GBS prevalence of 5.9% in the control group, that in CKD patients increased with the advancement of the disease stage (CKD1: 7.7%; CKD2: 15.4%; CKD3: 19.0%; CKD4: 20.8%; CKD5 predialysis: 21.3%; CKD5D: 22.9%). The prevalence was significantly greater in CKD5 patients than in the control group. CKD5 is a risk factor for GBS independent of age or sex. However, no significant relationship was found between the prevalence of GBS and the duration of hemodialysis therapy in CKD5D patients. Age was the only factor that was associated with GBS in predialysis CKD patients.
Conclusion: The risk of GBS formation was high in predialysis CKD patients. Although the risk disappeared in CKD5D patients, the prevalence of GBS was still significantly higher than in the control population. Factors that promote GBS formation in predialysis CKD patients and/or that inhibit GBS formation in CKD5D patients remain unknown.