Our recent study of the mechanism by which an epigenetic alteration, loss of imprinting (LOI) of Igf2, increases tumor risk, revealed a strong relationship between IGF2 dosage, the dynamics of signaling along the IGF2 axis, cell proliferation and tumor risk.(1) Colon epithelia in a mouse model with LOI of Igf2 showed increased sensitivity to IGF1R blockade and abrogation of premalignant lesion development in LOI(+) mice. These results are consistent with the epigenetic progenitor model of cancer,(2) in which epigenetic changes precede and heighten risk of cancer in response to oncogenic mutations. Thus, one can envision a highly targeted and focused chemoprevention strategy targeted to signaling pathways in nonmalignant cells that have undergone an epigenetic lesion, rather than a broad approach toward reversing epigenetic lesions that may have unintended consequences affecting the whole epigenome.