The opossum Didelphis marsupialis is known to be among the most important wild reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi and one in which the trypanosome may go through both the usual vertebrate intracellular cycle in its tissues and an extracellular cycle in the lumen of its scent glands. The species is highly resistant to heavy inocula and, depending on the parasite strain, experimental infections may be permanent or self limited. Aiming to understand the mechanisms involved in this parasite-host interaction we made a study of the acute phase of infection with different T. cruzi strains. Strains F, G-49 and G-327 produced durable infections with relatively high parasitemia and invasion of the scent glands, while equivalent inocula of the Y strain resulted in scanty parasitemia of short duration, no invasion of the SG, and no evidence of persistent parasitism. A smaller inoculum of G-49 produced only subpatent though persistent parasitemia and no invasion of the scent glands. The humoral immune response was less marked in the Y group; among the other groups IgM and IgG antibodies increased to high levels, higher in the G-49 group. The increase in IgG coincided with a drop of parasitemia to subpatent levels. Two opossums inoculated directly in the scent glands with culture forms of the Y strain had a short-lived subpatent parasitemia, but the parasites remained in the glands and serum Ig antibodies reached high levels. Immunoblot analysis showed that the sera of the inoculated opossums recognized few T. cruzi antigens (more in the F strain) in comparison with those of mice. However, with the only exception of those subcutaneously inoculated with the Y strain and including two naturally infected specimens, all the opossum's sera recognized a 90-kDa peptide in all T. cruzi strains. Our results confirm that opossums are able to selectively eliminate some strains of T. cruzi and indicate that the mechanism involved in this selection is probably not related to the humoral immune response. In infections by strains that are able to establish a permanent foothold in opossum tissues, there are indications that IgG antibodies participate in the control of the parasite population of the acute phase but are unable to prevent the chronic phase. It was once more demonstrated that the opossum infected scent glands function as diffusion chambers for parasite antigens but that, on the other hand, the parasites are here protected against the mechanisms developed by the host to control their population.