This study investigated the performance of a submerged anaerobic membrane reactor (SAMBR) treating saline sewage under fluctuating concentrations of salinity (0-35g NaCl/L), at 8 and 20h HRT, with fluxes ranging from 5-8litres per square metre per hour (LMH). The SAMBRs attained a 99% removal of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) with 35g NaCl/L, while removal inside the reactor was significantly lower (40-60% DOC). Even with a sudden drop in salinity overall removal recovered quickly, while the recovery inside the reactor took place at a slower rate. This highlights the positive effect of the membrane in preventing the presence of high molecular weight organics in the effluent while also retaining biomass inside the reactor so that they can rapidly acclimatize to salinity. The reduction of continuous biogas sparging to intervals of 10min ON and 5min OFF resulted in a slight increase in transmembrane pressure (TMP) by 0.025bar, but also resulted in an increase in effluent DOC removal and inside the SAMBR by 10% and 20%, respectively. The addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) resulted in a decrease in the TMP by 0.070bar, and an increase in DOC removal in the reactor and effluent by 30% and 5%, respectively. The PAC dramatically decreased the high molecular weight organics in the reactor over a period of 72h. SEM pictures of the membrane and biomass before and after addition of PAC revealed a remarkable reduction of flocks on the membrane surface, and a reduction inside the reactor of soluble microbial products (SMPs). Finally, Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis of the membranes pores and biofilm highlighted the absence of organic matter in the inner pores of the membrane.