Purpose: To clarify whether sinusoidal pulses possess lower thresholds than rectangular ones at perception threshold, a statement often made that contradicts the theory of stimulation.
Materials and methods: The results of a nerve stimulation study with 65 volunteers and with trapezoidal and sinusoidal gradient pulses were used to apply the combination of the electric field, induced in the tissue of the human body, with the "Fundamental Law of Electrostimulation." This law claims that the waveshape of a pulse is not essential as long as the amplitude of the pulse does not decrease below rheobase (rheobase condition).
Results: If the rheobase condition is applied to sinusoidal waveforms and the pulse duration and amplitude is corrected accordingly, both trapezoidal and sinusoidal gradient pulses have identical threshold amplitudes as a function of pulse duration.
Conclusion: The "Fundamental Law of Electrostimulation," including the "rheobase condition," proved to be a good basis for describing magnetic field stimulation (magnetostimulation) and that application of it to magnetostimulation is suitable as the basis for describing magnetic field stimulation with various waveforms. For nonrectangular pulses, pulse durations and pulse amplitudes must be corrected according to the "rheobase condition." The exponential Blair Equation is less suited to be applied in magnetostimulation.