The Technical UK DNA working group comprises representatives from all of the major suppliers of the UK and Ireland who contribute to the UK national DNA database. The group has the following terms of reference:To act as a peer review body.To agree experimental designs, to provide advice to the custodian to facilitate the development of the NDNAD.To support the CJS by the development of a coordinated UK strategy.To be inclusive, rather than exclusive, with regard to the introduction and use of methods.To define best scientific practice.To define guidelines for analysis and interpretation of evidence.To produce guidance that can be used by the UK Accreditation Services (UKAS).The group falls under the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) umbrella. We will feed back recommendations to the ENFSI group for further discussion in order to facilitate European Policy. The group recently met in order to consider in detail the ISFG DNA Commission recommendations on the interpretation of mixtures, to place them in the context of the UK jurisdictions.