Real-time estimation of the poloidal wavenumber of ISTTOK tokamak magnetic fluctuations

Rev Sci Instrum. 2008 Oct;79(10):10F121. doi: 10.1063/1.2957932.


The successful control of a fusion plasma discharge relies on the continuous improvement of existing diagnostics and on the development of new ones based on innovative concepts. It is equally important to provide efficient numerical tools capable of extracting, in real time, the most important physical quantities emerging from the collected data. This encompasses, for instance, the determination of the wavenumber and amplitude tracking of plasma instabilities, a necessary ingredient for establishing in real time the type of feedback control stabilization scheme to be used. In this paper, the characterization of the wavenumber spectra of unstable modes observed in ISTTOK plasma discharges is addressed using a set of two poloidal arrays of magnetic coils (Mirnov coils). In particular, the prospect for the estimation of the poloidal wavenumber in real time using recursive filtering techniques is investigated. It is shown that, in contrast with typical cross-spectrum analysis, where a large dataset is required to estimate the wavenumbers, with this innovative technique, the wavenumber spectra may be obtained in faster time scales.