Twin pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of pre-term deliveries, perinatal morbidity, mortality and maternal complications, especially in developing countries. A descriptive study of all women who had twin pregnancies in a rural mission tertiary hospital over a 7-year period was undertaken. There were a total of 3,351 deliveries and 99 cases of twin deliveries during the study period giving an incidence of 29.5/1,000 or one in 33.8 deliveries. Some 60% of the twins were delivered by caesarean section, while 36.4% had vaginal delivery. A total of 4% had vacuum delivery and a combination of vacuum and caesarean delivery. Twinning rate increased with increasing age and parity. The majority of the patients were unbooked (65.7%). The study could not detect any differences in the birth weights of twin 1 compared to twin 2. There were more females (52%) than males (48%). Low birth weight babies constituted 57.1% of twins. There were 26 perinatal deaths giving rise to a perinatal mortality rate of 131/1,000 and there was no difference in the perinatal mortality rate in the unbooked (131/1,000) and the booked (132/1,000). ). Booking status had no significant effect on perinatal mortality of twins and singletons, p value = 0.65. Singletons had significantly more caesarean section and vaginal delivery than twins, p value < 0.0001. Prematurity was the chief cause of perinatal death (65.4%). The most common mode of presentation was cephalic/cephalic (58.6%), followed by cephalic/breech (29.2%), breech/cephalic (7.1%) and breech/breech (5.1%). There was no maternal death.