Objectives: To describe magnetic resonance (MR) findings in the liver of stable patients with HELLP syndrome in the puerpuerium.
Methods: A descriptive study was carried out from August 2005 to July 2006, involving a series of 40 postpartum patients admitted to an obstetric intensive therapy unit in IMIP (Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira) with diagnosis of HELLP syndrome (complete and partial). Complete HELLP syndrome was defined when all laboratory parameters were present and incomplete when one or more but not all laboratory findings were present. All patients had stable clinical conditions and were evaluated with magnetic resonance of the liver and the main findings were recorded.
Results: Average maternal age was 26.8 +/- 6.4 years and gestational age at delivery was 34 +/- 26.8 weeks. The MR imaging was performed between eight and 96 hours after diagnosis of HELLP syndrome (56 +/- 31 h). The most frequent findings were ascitis in 20% (n = 8), pleural effusion in 17.5% and hepatic steatosis in 7.5%. The periportal intensity signal was normal in all cases. Cases of liver infarction and sub-capsular or parenchymatous hematoma were not observed.
Conclusion: Findings of magnetic resonance imaging of the liver in stable HELLP syndrome postpartum patients were few and unspecific. Severe liver injuries such as parenchymatous or sub-capsular hematoma, entailing life risk were not found. Results do not corroborate the use of magnetic resonance as routine examination for stable patients with HELLP syndrome.