This study investigates overlap priors for tracking the Left Ventricle (LV) endo- and epicardium boundaries in cardiac Magnetic Resonance (MR) sequences. It consists of evolving two curves following the Euler-Lagrange minimization of two functionals each containing an original overlap prior constraint. The latter measures the conformity of the overlap between the nonparametric (kernel-based) intensity distributions within the three target regions-LV cavity, myocardium and background-to a prior learned from a given segmentation of the first frame. The Bhattacharyya coefficient is used as an overlap measure. Different from existing intensity-driven constraints, the overlap priors do not assume implicitly that the overlap between the distributions within different regions has to be minimal. Although neither shape priors nor curve coupling were used, quantitative evaluation showed that the results correlate well with independent manual segmentations and the method compares favorably with other recent methods. The overlap priors lead to a LV tracking which is more versatile than existing methods because the solution is not bounded to the shape/intensity characteristics of a training set. We also demonstrate experimentally that the used overlap measures are approximately constant over a cardiac sequence.