A 62-year-old man was incidentally diagnosed with a completely asymptomatic aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) aneurysm with a maximum diameter of 4.5 cm. This condition presents a postrupture mortality rate of 50% and the morbidity-mortality rates reported in the literature with traditional open repair procedures are of 25%. In our patient we planned a hybrid procedure and excluded the aneurysm by performing, first, a right carotid-subclavian bypass with ligation of the subclavian artery upstream from the vertebral artery and the internal mammary artery and, the day after, by covering its origin from the aortic arch with the placement of a thoracic endoprosthesis. A third session was necessary, three days later, because of a leak; a complete resolution of the condition was achieved by embolizing the still perfused residual aneurysmal sac with Balt metallic coils.