A trial was conducted in a dairy of a cooperating kibbutz to investigate the cow's response to individual concentrate supplementation according to daily milk production when a feed mixture containing a 50:50 concentrate:forage offered in the bunk free choice. Concentrate supplementation was provided by computerized self-feeders for cows producing over 30 kg milk/d to a maximum of 10 kg/d concentrate (as fed) according to milk production. The results were compared with those cows fed, for ad libitum intake, a total ration of 73:27 concentrate: forage (high control) and 50:50 (low control). The performance variables of individually supplemented cows (milk yield, 4% FCM yield, and BW) were analyzed according to parity and milk yield potential. The results indicated that milk yield itself could not serve as the only variable for individual concentrate supplementation as applied in this experiment. Cows in different parities and with different milk yield potentials may respond differently to the concentrate supplementation strategy, and parity numbers, milk yield potential, and BW, in addition to daily milk yield, are possible variables to be considered when applying this feeding regimen in order to exploit its economic potential efficiently.