An ELISA with a lipoarabinomannan as an antigen, developed for diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis, has been adapted for use in goats, and compared with complement fixation test. Kappa value of 0.62 indicated good agreement between CFT and the adapted ELISA and proved that the investigated ELISA may be helpful in diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in goats. The ELISA has been used to screen a randomly selected representative sample of Polish breeding goat population (21.78% of herds, 21.33% of goats). It has been demonstrated that only 2.42% of animals coming from 15.79% of herds were seropositive. Within-herd seroprevalence varied from 1.69% to 38.10%. Most of the infected animals (67.07%) were 3- 4-years-old. No seropositive cases were found in group up to 1-year-old animals.