Introduction: an early call to the department of urgent medical assistance--Center 15 (SAMU-centre 15) is associated to shortest delays of reperfusion in case of myocardial infarction. However, patients are not always aware of this.
Objective: to assess the assimilated counsels by patients after an acute myocardial infarction.
Methods: from January 1998 to June 2004, patients managed by SAMU 93 and having benefited from thrombolytic therapy prior to hospitalization and/or primary angioplasty for a ST+ acute coronary syndrome with a confirmation of acute myocardial infarction during their hospital stay were prospectively enrolled into this study. A questionnaire was administered by phone from december 2003 to july 2005, assessing the knowledge about the necessity to alert SAMU-center 15 in case of chest pain and availability of medical files data.
Results: among the 976 patients: 111 (11%) were lost during follow-up, 162 (19%) were deceased when phone contact and 119 (12%) could not be interrogated. Among the 584 (60%) remaining subjects interrogated with a median follow-up period of 985 days (413-1596), 290 (50%) patients answered they received counseling, including 156 (27%) for taking nitrates, 19 (29%) stated they know that they should call SAMU-center 15. Patients with a high level of education and those treated by thrombolytic therapy prior to hospitalization were better informed; 464 (79%) patients declared having a prescription, 392 (67%) a hospital report, 406 (69%) an electrocardiogram, 227 (39%) a CD with their coronary angiography, and 79(14%) their medical file.
Conclusion: the level of knowledge regarding the recommended attitude in case of chest pain is poor. The availability of medical data was better. Arch Mal Cceur