The aim of this study was to evaluate sexual function in women before and after tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure. In this questionnaire-based study, 100 women undergoing TVT for stress incontinence were assessed preoperatively and 3 months postoperatively using a validated pelvic floor symptoms assessment questionnaire. The incidence and impact of TVT on orgasm incontinence, penetration incontinence, anxiety related to bladder problems during sex, avoidance of intercourse, and overall impact on sex life were assessed. Incontinence during intercourse was reported in 68% of women preoperatively. Following TVT, there were significant reductions in orgasm incontinence, penetration incontinence, anxiety regarding the bladder and sex, avoidance of sex, post-coital infection, and overall impact of lower urinary tract symptoms on sex. There was a non-significant reduction in partner avoidance of sex. TVT significantly improves the overall sex lives of women with stress urinary incontinence. Orgasm incontinence, penetration incontinence, post-coital infections, anxiety, and avoidance of sex are all reduced.