Objective: 1. To evaluate with Echo-Doppler the medium/long term results of mitral commissurotomy. 2. To compare the results of open mitral commissurotomy to those of closed commissurotomy.
Patients and methods: The Echo 2D-Doppler study has been performed in 117 patients (104 females and 13 males), randomly selected among patients previously submitted to open (62 d.) or closed (55 d.) mitral commissurotomy, with greater than or equal to 12 months follow-up. Pulsed and continuous Doppler recordings were obtained in all 117 patients, and the following parameters were evaluated: Maximum Mitral Gradient (MG); mitral valvular area calculated by half-pressure time (MVA); presence of mitral regurgitation greater than or equal to grade 2 (MR); evaluation of systolic Pulmonary Artery pressure (PAP) by the gradient RV/RA + 14mmHg, in the patients with tricuspid insufficiency; acceleration time (ACT), ejection time (EJT) and the relation ACT/EJT in pulmonary artery. To compare the results of open commissurotomy, to those of closed commissurotomy, and in order to minimize the pre-operative differences between the patients submitted to each of these interventions, only the patients in the same NYHA functional class before surgery (class III), and in sinus rhythm have been selected. In this way two groups were compared: group A-24 patients with open commissurotomy and group F-37 patients with closed commissurotomy.
Results: in the total of patients the results were: MG-9.8 +/- 4.2 mmHg; MVA-2.3 +/- 0.95 cm2; MR 16 pts. (13.7%); PAP obtained in 30 pts. (25.6%) -27.47 +/- 1.18 mmHg; the ACT, the EJT and the relation ACT/EJT in PA were respectively 115.63 +/- 34 ms, 309.9 +/- 38.5 ms, 0.37 +/- 0.1. The Doppler parameters obtained respectively in group A and in group F were: MG 8.96 +/- 4.5 mmHg and 10.38 +/- 3.82 mmHg (ns); MVA 2.62 +/- 1.01 cm2 and 2.08 +/- 0.84 cm2 (ns); MR 8.3% and 15.6% (ns) (Fig.3); the PAP have been calculated on 5(20.8%) patients in group A and on 10(27%) patients in group F and their respective values were 30.78 +/- 0.48 mmHg and 28.26 +/- 1.11 mmHg (ns); ACT 109.09 +/- 41.55 ms and 116.67 +/- 33.22 ms (ns); EJT 297.27 +/- 72.94 ms and 308.7 +/- 41.58 ms; ACT/EJT 0.35 +/- 0.12 and 0.38 +/- 0.10 (ns).
Conclusion: Both open and closed commissurotomy revealed to be good therapeutic alternatives to mitral stenosis with identical long term results as evaluated by Echo-Doppler. The results of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty should be compared with these in the future.