Chicken pox is usually considered a benign viral affection; however, possible infectious complications are observed. Although cutaneous infections are well described, bacterial pneumonia with empyema is more exceptionally reported.
Purpose: To describe the clinical characteristics of bacterial pneumonia with empyema associated with chicken pox.
Methods: This descriptive multicenter retrospective study was based on a questionnaire sent by Internet to 30 French pediatric and pediatric respiratory hospital wards.
Results: We found 4 cases of children (mean age, 19 months) presenting during the chicken pox eruption concomitant bacterial pneumonia with empyema. The average time of diagnosis was 4.5 days after the beginning of the eruption. All the children were febrile and had an average pulsed oxygen saturation of 87%. The inflammatory syndrome was constant with a mean C reactive protein of 253 mg/l. Group A Streptococcus was identified in 3 cases out of 4. Admission to an intensive care unit was necessary for 3 children, 1 of them requiring mechanical ventilation. No clinical or radiological sequelae were observed during the complete year of follow-up.
Conclusion: Bacterial pneumoniae with empyema are not current complications of chicken pox but have to be sought when prolonged fever and/or alteration of the health status occurs during chicken pox eruption.