A double glomerulopathy (IgA glomerulonephritis [IgAGN] associated with thin glomerular basement membrane disease [TGBMD]) is reported in a 39-year-old woman presenting with macroscopic-microscopic hematuria. Her 3-year-old daughter was also affected by microhematuria of probable glomerular origin. The diagnosis of IgAGN was made by means of immunofluorescence investigation, which showed generalized diffuse mesangial deposits. TGBMD was identified by electron microscopic investigations, which disclosed thinning (up to 160 nm) of basement membrane of several capillary loops and prominence of the lamina densa. Bearing in mind the known frequencies of the two glomerulopathies, their association may not be coincidental, and, therefore, is worthwhile researching in hematuric patients.