Objective: We report the clinical findings and management of a large retro- and parapharyngeal branchial cyst in a 54-year-old man whose only complaint was a 12-month history of snoring.
Method: Case report and a review of the world literature concerning parapharyngeal cysts are presented.
Results: On computed tomography (CT) images, a well-marginated cystic mass was observed in the left retro- and parapharyngeal spaces, with displacement of the left internal and common carotid arteries. The cyst contained thick, sterile, yellowish pus, without malignant cells. We performed a transoral resection without any surgical complications. No recurrence was observed 2 years later.
Conclusion: Parapharyngeal branchial cysts are rare and often paucisymptomatic. The transoral approach can provide good exposure allowing complete resection without significant post-operative complications or cervical scarring.