Mutations were analysed in the major capsid protein VP60 of the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), a calicivirus responsible for high mortality rates in both wild and domestic European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Likelihood of positive selection was estimated using the PAML software applied to 43 non-identical complete sequences of the major capsid protein. Three codons showed signs of positive selection (with posterior probabilities over 95%), one of them is located in the region containing the major antigenic determinants (region E). The presence of positively selected codons (PSCs) in other regions may suggest the existence of other antigenic regions on the major capsid protein that stimulate protective immune responses. At all the 3 PSCs, variation contributes to putative N-glycosylation sites of the protein. An N-glycosylation site is deleted in the non-pathogenic strain RCV. Some of the substitutions at PSCs may alter the polarity and the charge of the protein with possible implications in the protein structure and host interaction. The detection of PSCs should allow a better understanding of the interaction between RHDV and the rabbit immune system.