Many assay techniques have been used to measure lipid hydroperoxides in plasma, including absorbance of conjugated dienes and reactivity with thiobarbituric acid. Because these measurements are not specific for lipid hydroperoxides, we modified an exisiting iodometric method to correct for interfering phenomena and to provide a more specific measurement of the lipid hydroperoxide content of plasma. To ensure reproducible extraction of hydroperoxides from the many possible forms in plasma, the plasma was treated to hydrolyze enzymatically cholesterol ester, triglycerides, and phospholipids, and the nonesterified fatty acid peroxides were then extracted with ethyl acetate. Extracted lipids were reacted with potassium iodide in acetic acid and methylene chloride, and the resulting triiodide ion (I3-) was measured spectrophotometrically. Correction for nonoxidizing chromophores was made after back-titration of the triiodide ion to iodide with sodium thiosulfate and other non-peroxide oxidants were estimated by their resistance to reduction with glutathione peroxidase. Recovery of added hydroperoxide standards provided routine validations of the procedure's efficiency. The method indicated that insignificant amounts of hydroperoxide may be in the less polar lipids, but the total amount of lipid hydroperoxide esterfied in the plasma lipids of apparently healthy humans may be as much as 4.0 +/- 1.7 microM.