Aims: The overall kinetics of the fermentation of four oat fractions obtained by debranning using three potentially probiotic lactic acid bacteria were investigated. The main objective was to study the suitability of these fractions as fermentation media for the growth and the metabolic production of bacteria isolated from human intestine.
Methods and results: The cell growth, lactic acid production and substrate uptakes of the three lactobacilli was monitored for 30 h. An unstructured mathematical model was used to describe and fit the experimental data. In the medium from fraction B (1-3% pearlings or beta-glucan-rich fraction) all strains reached the highest cell populations, maximum growth rates and maximum lactic acid productions. This could be because of the high levels of total fibre and beta-glucan of this fraction. Limited growth and lactic acid formation was found in medium A (0-1% pearlings or bran-rich fraction).
Conclusions: Medium B (1-3% pearling fraction) is the most suitable for fermentation and produces considerably higher probiotic cell concentrations.
Significance and impact of the study: Debranning technology could be used to separate fractions from cereal grains for the production of functional formulations with higher probiotic levels than the ones that were obtained with the whole grain.