The present work evaluated polyphosphate (poly P) metabolism in nuclear and mitochondrial fractions during Rhipicephalus microplus embryogenesis. Nuclear poly P decreased and activity of exopolyphosphatase (PPX - polyphosphate-phosphohydrolases; EC increased after embryo cellularization until the end of embryogenesis. The utilization of mitochondrial poly P content occurred between embryo cellularization and segmentation stages. Increasing amounts of total RNA extracted from eggs progressively enhanced nuclear PPX activity, whereas it exerted no effect on mitochondrial PPX activity. The decline in total poly P content after the 7th day of embryogenesis does not reflect the free P(i) increase and the total poly P chain length decrease after embryo cellularization. The Km(app) utilizing poly P(3), poly P(15) and poly P(65) as substrate was almost the same for the nuclear fraction (around 1muM), while the affinity for substrate in mitochondrial fraction was around 10 times higher for poly P(3) (Km(app) = 0.2muM) than for poly P(15) (Km(app) = 2.8muM) and poly P(65) (Km(app) = 3.6muM). PPX activity was stimulated by a factor of two by Mg2+ and Co2+ in the nuclear fraction and only by Mg2+ in the mitochondrial fraction. Heparin (20microg/mL) inhibited nuclear and mitochondrial PPX activity in about 90 and 95% respectively. Together, these data are consistent with the existence of two different PPX isoforms operating in the nuclei and mitochondria of the hard tick R. microplus with distinct metal dependence, inhibitor and activator sensitivities. The data also shed new light on poly P biochemistry during arthropod embryogenesis, opening new routes for future comparative studies on the physiological roles of different poly P pools distributed over cell compartments.