Poly(PEGMA) homopolymer brushes were developed by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) on the initiator-modified silicon surface (Si-initiator). Through covalent binding, protein immobilization on the poly(PEGMA) films was enabled by further NHS-ester functionalization of the poly(PEGMA) chain ends. The formation of polymer brushes was confirmed by assessing the surface composition (XPS) and morphology (atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)) of the modified silicon wafer. The binding performance of the NHS-ester functionalized surfaces with two proteins horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and chicken immunoglobulin (IgG) was monitored by direct observation. These results suggest that this method which incorporates the properties of polymer brush onto the binding surfaces may be a good strategy suitable for covalent protein immobilization.