Background: Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) is an uncommon but clinically significant cause of chronic GI bleeding.
Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of cryotherapy for endoscopic treatment of GAVE.
Design: Patients received 3 sessions of endoscopic cryotherapy at 3-week to 6-week intervals and had a follow-up endoscopy 4 weeks thereafter. They were followed prospectively in terms of clinical and endoscopic response.
Setting: Tertiary-care center, between October 2004 and April 2006.
Patients: The patients were 43 to 89 years of age, with a diagnosis of GAVE and documented iron deficiency anemia. Eight patients had a history of overt GI bleeding. Eight patients (67%) had previously been treated with argon plasma coagulation (APC) (median 6 sessions, range 1-10 sessions) and failed to respond or had a recurrence.
Results: Twelve patients were enrolled. Six patients (50%) had a complete response, and 6 patients had a partial response. The mean number of units of blood transfused in the period of 3 months before cryotherapy and during the period of follow-up of 3 months was 4.6 and 1.7 units, respectively. An increased mean Hb level, from 9.9 to 11.3 g/dL, was noted. The average duration of the cryotherapy was 5 minutes (range 1-15 minutes). In 32 of 36 cryotherapy treatment sessions performed (89%), it was technically possible to treat more than 90% of GAVE lesions. There were no immediate cryotherapy-related complications, and none of the patients required admission after the procedure.
Limitations: A pilot study from a single center.
Conclusions: Endoscopic cryotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for GAVE. It appears to be effective, even for GAVE refractory to APC therapy. Optimal cryogen, delivery device, and treatment protocols are yet to be determined.