The guideline has been prepared by the Japanese Dermatological Association to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of scabies, as oral therapy became available on August 2006 under health insurance and its clinical use was expected to increase. For making a proper diagnosis, the following three points should be taken into consideration: (i) clinical symptoms; (ii) detection of the mite (Sarcoptes scabiei); and (iii) epidemiological symptoms. The diagnosis is confirmed if the mites or eggs are identified by microscopy or dermoscopy and so forth. Topical sulfur preparations, with only limited usefulness, are the only available topical drugs approved by health insurance coverage for treating scabies. Currently, crotamiton, benzyl benzoate and gamma-benzene hexachloride are also used clinically. It is important to apply these to the whole-body, including hands, fingers and genitals. The dose for ivermectin is a single administration p.o. of approximately 200 microg/kg bodyweight with water before a meal. Administration of a second dose is considered, if new specific lesions develop or the mites are detected. For treating crusted scabies, concomitant administration of oral ivermectin and the topical preparation is necessary. Some safe and useful topical drug preparations are needed to be approved by health insurance.