Introduction: Formation of sigmoidostoma in order to establish temporary or permanent faecal diversion is a well-known procedure. In recent years an increasing number of centres have carried out laparoscopically-assisted stoma formation instead of the traditional laparotomy. Endoscopically-assisted sigmoidostoma formation is a less well-known and less technically challenging technique.
Materials and methods: At the gastroenterology department (Gastroenheden), Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark, we have performed 24 endoscopically-assisted sigmoidostoma formations since June 2003. The study was done retrospectively.
Results: 24 patients were treated with endoscopically-assisted sigmoidostoma formation. The procedure was attempted in further 5 incidences without success, and conversion was necessary. In 3 cases stoma revision was needed afterwards and performed by local procedure without laparatomy. 1 patient with T3 rectal cancer died on the 6th postoperative day.
Conclusion: Endoscopically-assisted sigmoidostoma formation is a minimal invasive procedure, which is technically simple. In our opinion, the procedure is at least equivalent to laparoscopically-assisted sigmoidostoma formation. We recommend endoscopically-assisted sigmoidostoma formation for patients where sigmoidostomy is necessary, and where there is no other need for laparotomy and the means of conversion to laparotomy or laparoscopy are available.