An isocratic HPLC method for measuring pyrimethamine extracted from infant plasma is reported. The method is an improvement over previously published methods by requiring lower volumes of plasma (100 microL) and having increased sensitivity to pyrimethamine at 210 nm. The procedure, which entails a basic organic extraction and subsequent HPLC chromatography of the reconstituted extract, can detect 1.4 ng and quantify 4.0 ng of pyrimethamine per 40-microL injection, with two analyses per 100-microL sample. Analytical recovery of pyrimethamine added to plasma at 10, 50, and 125 ng/100 microL averaged 80%, 92%, and 101%, respectively (n = 20). Within- and between-day CVs were less than 7%. Studies of various plasma samples from adults and infants (n = 15) revealed no interference from other plasma peaks with the analyte of interest.