Aim of the study was to analyze dependence of various voltage parameters of QRS complex on increase of left ventricular myocardial mass (LVMM) in samples of men and women with excessive body mass or obesity. We included data from 223 patients with excessive body mass and diagnosis of stage I - II arterial hypertension. ECG was registered in 12 standard leads. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was certified if according to echoCG data LVMM exceeded 125 g/m2 in men and 110 g/m2 in women. Depending on sex and presence of LVH all patients were divided into 4 groups: M1 (men with LVH, n=74), M2 (men without LVH, n=74), W1 (women with LVH, n=55), anb W2 (women without LVH, n=20). We analyzed amplitudes of all waves of the QRS complex as well as Sokolow-Lyons voltage parameters and the Cornell index. The following intergroup differences were most significant: between groups M1 and M2 - in amplitudes of S waves in chest leads V3, V4; between groups W1 and W2 - in amplitudes of R-waves in limb leads I and aVL, and amplitudes of S-waves in lead III. Increases of the Cornell voltage index were observed both in men and women with LVH. The following criteria had greatest sensitivity at 95% specificity: in men - SV4 > 1,1 mV (34%) and RaVL+SV3 > 2,3 mV (32%); in women - RaVL > 0,8 mV (56%) and RI+SIII > 1,5 mV (56%). Informative power of electrocardiographical diagnosis of LVH can be augmented by the use of different voltage criteria in groups of men and women. In men most informative are chest leads (SV1 - V3, RaVL) while in women - limb leads (RI, RaVL, and SIII). The use of combination parameters RaVL+SV3 > 2,3 mV (in men) and RI+SIII > 1,5 mV (in women) allows to augment sensitivity with unchanged specificity. In patients with excessive body mass voltage the Sokolow-Lyons criterion is not informative. Most significant component of the Cornell voltage criterion in groups of men with excessive body mass is amplitude of SV3, in groups of women - amplitude of RaVL.