Epidemiologic and recent qualitative research suggests that the impact of under-treated gout is far more significant than many health professionals realise. The magnitude of this impact for Maaori and Pacific men of working age has been identified as a particular concern by the recently formed Maaori Gout Action Group in Counties Manukau District Health Board (South Auckland, New Zealand). The Group has identified that to achieve modern management of gout, those with gout need to be supported by primary care practitioners who are aware of the need for early intervention with allopurinol, as well as whaanau/families and communities who understand the impact and causes of gout and the lifestyle changes that are needed alongside long-term allopurinol. The Group wishes to support further research into the impact and causes of gout, particularly for Maaori, and to develop strategic alliances to ensure that the treatment and prevention of gout is advocated by those working with conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease where gout is a frequent comorbidity.