Purpose: To measure intraocular straylight (as a measure of glare) after cataract surgery and implantation of an AcrySof ReSTOR SA60D3 multifocal or AcrySof SA60AT monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) (both Alcon Laboratories).
Setting: University Hospital Maastricht, Maastricht; Isala Clinics, Zwolle; Netherlands Institute for Neurosciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Methods: In a prospective open observational case series, a newly developed straylight meter was used to objectively measure straylight 6 months postoperatively in 66 eyes with a diffractive AcrySof ReSTOR SA60D3 IOL (multifocal group) and 40 eyes with a monofocal AcrySof SA60AT IOL (monofocal group). A comparison of straylight levels in an age-matched population without cataract (control group) was performed.
Results: The straylight level was 1.20 log units +/- 0.16 (SD) in the multifocal group and 1.10 +/- 0.19 log units in the monofocal group. When the difference in mean level of straylight was adjusted for age, mean straylight levels were 0.078 log units lower in the monofocal group than in the multifocal group (P = .026). Straylight levels in both pseudophakic groups were lower than in the control group without cataract (P< .0001).
Conclusions: Levels of intraocular straylight log(s) were significantly lower for both types of IOL than in age-matched subjects from the normal population. The mean level of intraocular straylight 6 months postoperatively was higher in patients with an AcrySof ReSTOR SA60D3 IOL than in patients with a monofocal AcrySof SA60AT IOL. Implantation of the former IOL would therefore result in a smaller gain in contrast sensitivity and a smaller reduction in glare and halos than implantation of the latter IOL.