Chromosome pairing behaviour of the natural allotetraploid Aegilops biuncialis (genome UUMM) and a triploid hybrid Ae. biuncialis x Secale cereale (genome UMR) was analyzed by electron microscopy in surface-spread prophase I nuclei. Synaptonemal-complex analysis at zygotene and pachytene revealed that synapsis in the allotetraploid was mostly between homologous chromosomes, although a few quadrivalents were also formed. Only homologous bivalents were observed at metaphase I. In contrast, homoeologous and heterologous chromosome associations were common at prophase I and metaphase I of the triploid hybrid. It is concluded that the mechanism controlling bivalent formation in Ae. biuncialis acts mainly at zygotene by restricting pairing to homologous chromosomes, but also acts at pachytene by preventing chiasma formation in the homoeologous associations. In the hybrid the mechanism fails at both stages. Key words : Aegilops biuncialis, allotetraploid, intergeneric hybrid, pairing control, synaptonemal complex.