Regarding renal cell carcinoma, most recent advances concern metastatic cases in which antiangiogenic agent seem to be efficient for specific survival and outcome without progression of the disease. In prostate cancer, new urinary molecular markers, more specific than PSA, are currently under development to allow an early and non invasive diagnosis of the disease. Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is a growing surgical approach in the treatment of localized prostate cancer, at the expense of the laparoscopic approach, with satisfactory oncologic preliminary results. Whether or not a cystectomy should be done after the resection of a pT1G3 bladder tumour, remains a moot point. However the risk of progression is far from being negligible. Regarding upper urinary tract tumors, the outcome is different from bladder tumors and several teams are working on specific molecular markers, dedicated to be useful in prognosis and specific survival.