Sample-exchange robots that can exchange cryo-pins bearing protein crystals out of experimental hutches according to user instructions have been developed. The robots were designed based on the SAM (Stanford Synchrotron Research Laboratory automated mounting) system. In order to reduce the time required for the sample exchange, the single tongs of the SAM system were modified and a double-tongs system that can hold two cryo-pins at the same time was developed. Robots with double tongs can move to the goniometer head holding the next cryo-pin with one set of tongs, dismount the experimented cryo-pin with the other set, and then mount the next pin onto the goniometer head without leaving the diffractometer area. Two different types of tongs have been installed: single tongs at beamlines BL-5A and AR-NW12A, and a double-tongs system at beamline BL-17A of the Photon Factory. The same graphical user interface software for operation of the sample-exchange robots is used at all beamlines, however, so that users do not need to consider differences between the systems. In a trial, the robot with double tongs could exchange samples within 10 s.