In the present study we examined, if in Icelandic horses an increase in heart and/ or breathing rate is physiological and breed dependend or a sign of a pulmonary or cardiac disease. Therefore we examined 37 Icelandic horses with the prereport of being healthy. During clinical lung examination four horses showed symptoms of a pulmonary disease like increased breathing rate and enforced breathing at rest. These horses were excluded from the study. The other 33 horses were clinically normal. 17 of these horses were unridden (untrained) and 16 horses were regularly worked (trained). After clinical examination in all horses analysis of arterial blood gas, endoscopy with tracheo- bronchial secret analysis and radiographic examination of the lung were carried out. Additionally electro- and echocardiographic examinations and standardised exercise tests with determination of heart and breathing rate as well as plasma lactate values were performed in all horses. During electro- and echocardiographic examination no pathological findings were observed. In total 22 of the 33 horses showed abnormal lung findings. Seven horses had mild signs of RAO and 15 horses had mild signs of interstitial bronchitis. Three horses had additional pulmonary haemorrhage. Eleven out of the 33 horses showed no abnormal lung findings. The breathing rate at rest differed not significantly between horses with (21 +/- 1/min) or without (23 +/- 2/min) pulmonary findings. The heart rate also did not differ significantly between horses with (39 +/- 1/min) or without (42 +/- 1/min) pulmonary findings. In contrast to this the trained Icelandic horses with abnormal pulmonary findings had significantly higher heart rates (p = 0.01) and significantly lower breathing rates (p = 0.009) compared to those without abnormal pulmonary findings. During echocardiography Icelandic horses with abnormal pulmonary findings had significantly larger left atrial diameter (without abnormal pulmonary findings: 82 +/- 7 mm, with abnormal pulmonary findings: 90 +/- 8 mm, p = 0.02). Compared to the untrained Icelandic horses (5.4 +/- 2 mmol/l) the trained horses showed significantly lower plasma lactate values (3.1 +/- 2 mmol/l, p = 0.001) immediately after exercise. After exercise the icelandic horses with abnormal pulmonary findings had significantly higher breathing rates (p < 0.05) and longer recovery periods (30 minutes) than horses without abnormal respiratory findings (15 minutes). Recovery of heart rate after exercise showed no differences between groups.