Allergies of the respiratory system are very often at children. Passive smoking may predispose to allergies. The last news shows that smoking at home increases incidence of asthma. It's concerned passive smokers, especially children. Analysis of controlling asthma, exacerbations was made with ACT test. The larger amount of points in ACT test was obtain the better control of asthma was ascertain. Parents were smokers. In this research 164 children and teenagers between 12 and 18 years old from Swiecie and Bydgoszcz, patients Allergologic Outpatients Clinic in 2005-2006, took part. Asthma Control Test was made after the treatment was started. This results show that there is a strong dependence between smoking at home and controlling asthma bronchiale. The correct score--25 points (means that asthma was controlled properly) was at 75% of patients with no smoking at home. At smoker's home every second child has controlled the disease properly. In families where parents smoke a lot every fifth child has no control of the disease. In families, where parents didn't smoke it was only 3%. This analysis shows that there is a strong dependence between frequency of smoking and amounts of points in ACT test. In families where parents smoke rarely children received maximum score in ACT test than in families where patients smoke a lot. There is also dependence between the age of the members of the household and smoking. It is terrifying that there are far more smoking parents at the age of 35 and younger. In this study the ACT was recognized as useful test to control asthma. If smoking parents undergo antinicotine therapy treatment of asthma will be improved.