119Sn NMR chemical shift tensors in anhydrous and hydrated Si8O20(SnMe3)8 crystals

Magn Reson Chem. 2008 Jul;46(7):690-2. doi: 10.1002/mrc.2230.


(119)Sn chemical shift tensors of crystalline trialkyltin functionalized octameric spherosilicates, Si(8)O(20)(SnMe(3))(8), have been determined by fitting sideband intensities in solid-state magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra. Tin chemical shift parameters are exquisitely sensitive to the presence of water of crystallization. Both hydrogen bonding and incipient oxygen-tin bonding from molecular water impact the local tin environment. Tin chemical shift tensors in the crystalline derivatives reflect the changes in geometry and coordination number at the tin centers. Chemical shift correlations on the crystalline derivatives, with known x-ray structures, are used to infer the tin coordination environment in an amorphous sample.