Introduction: The possible role of stem cells transplantation in therapy for traumatic lesions or for diseases has been outlined in recent years. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is one of the diseases where cellular therapy may be useful.
Development: The authors make an analytic review of the studies carried out in humans with ALS and in G93A transgenic rodent model of ALS to evaluate the effect of stem cell transplantation. They also review cellular responses from NSC-EZ cells in the spinal cord.
Conclusions: Research on the potential uses of cellular therapy for ALS is on-going, however, the different studies are not homogeneous. Thus, many questions need to be answered, such as which is the most appropriate type of cells or which should be the volume of cells to implant, which is the best method for the transplantation and in the case of spinal cord implant which is the best target for the implant, or if it is necessary to administer concomitant substances, such as immunosuppressant drugs.