Background: Evaluation of immature myeloid and lymphoid dendritic cells (DCs) in the peritoneal fluid (PF) and peripheral blood (PB) mononuclears of women with ovarian carcinoma (n = 47) and benign ovarian tumors (n = 37).
Methods: Mononuclear cells were isolated from PF and PB, stained with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against DC antigens (anti-BDCA-1, anti-BDCA-2), and estimated using flow cytometry.
Results: The percentage of PF myeloid DC (MDC) in mononuclears was significantly lower in patients with ovarian cancer in comparison to the group of nonmalignant ovarian tumors (0.65% and 6.95%). The percentage of PF lymphoid DCs (LDCs) was higher in patients with ovarian cancer than in the reference group (0.64% and 0.09%). The percentage of PB MDCs and LDCs did not differ significantly between studied groups. In women suffering from ovarian cancer the percentage of both MDCs and LDCs was higher in the PF than in the PB. In the reference group the percentage of MDCs was higher but that of LDCs was lower in the PF than in the PB. In women with ovarian cancer, PF MDCs/LDCs ratio was lower in comparison to patients with serous cystadenoma. In PB the ratio of MDCs to LDCs did not differ significantly between studied groups.
Conclusions: We concluded that MDCs population may be affected by the presence of malignant disease. LDC subsets may have influence on the local immune response in the PF of women with malignant tumors of the ovary. (c) 2008 Clinical Cytometry Society.