Objective: To compare whether serum lipids and their changes during a health education intervention are associated with the Leu7Pro polymorphism in the signal peptide part of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in children with normal weight and in those with overweight.
Design: An intervention study.
Setting: A family-based intervention of risk factors for prevention of CHD in Finland.
Subjects: Subjects were 443 children with a family history of CVD participating in family-based health education. The children were divided into two groups according to NPY genotype: children with Leu7/Pro7 or Pro7/Pro7 genotype (n 50) and children with Leu7/Leu7 genotype (n 393). The final sample of the follow-up study included 353 (80 %) children (Pro7 allele carriers, n 43; Leu7/Leu7, n 310).
Results: At baseline, the Leu7Pro polymorphism was not associated with serum lipid values after adjustment for body weight in boys or girls. There was a significant interaction of NPY genotype group by time and body weight (P = 0.043 for three-way interaction: time x NPY genotype x body weight) in LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) concentration among boys. LDL-C decreased among boys with normal weight in both NPY groups and in overweight boys with the Leu7/Leu7 genotype, whereas it increased in overweight boys with the Pro7 allele. Two-way interaction (time x NPY genotype) showed no significant differences in changes of serum lipids between the NPY genotype groups among boys or girls.
Conclusions: The Leu7Pro polymorphism may be associated with dietary response to LDL-C concentration in overweight boys with a family history of early-onset CVD.