The primary compromise of the pancreas in lymphomas is uncommon. However, in advanced stages of Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (LNH) the secondary invasion of the pancreas is observed more frequently. Jaundice due to extrahepatic cholestasis as a presentation form is extremely rare, with only few cases described in the literature. The aim is to present a case of an obstructive jaundice as an expression of Burkitt's lymphoma probably due to a diffuse pancreatic infiltration in an adult without immunodeficiency with a rapid response of cholestasis to low dose of hydrocortisone. Skin tumor simultaneously present with jaundice allowed the histologic diagnosis with skin biopsies. After a unique dose of 100 mg hydrocortisone, jaundice improved and cholestatic enzymes decreased, pancreas became smaller and common bile duct diameter became normal at ultrasound and CT scan, also skin tumors turn pale and diminished in size. There are isolated reports of Burkitt's lymphoma cases with associated obstructive jaundice due to pancreatic infiltration or by compression by lymph nodes of the bile ducts, many of them are pediatric cases or immunodepressed HIV patients. In the case presented, surgical resection of the pancreatic infiltration and biliary drainage, either surgical or endoscopic during the same procedure was not necessary for the histopathologic diagnosis of the illness like is described in the literature. The diagnosis was suspected by the rapid decrease of cholestatic features after a single dose of hydrocortisone and the histology was easy done by a skin biopsy. We think the interest in this case is the quick response to low doses of corticoids, which avoided the necessity of surgical procedure for the diagnosis of the biliary tree obstruction, allowing a quick implementation of the specific chemotherapeutic treatment of the lymphoma without any surgical or endoscopic procedures to heal the jaundice.