The two-point correlation functions among particles confined to move within a spherical two-dimensional space are studied here using Monte Carlo simulations in the canonical ensemble and the corresponding liquid theory concepts. This work takes a simple model system with soft-sphere interactions among the particles lying on the spherical surface. We focus this study on the ordering induced by the particle packing and the restrictions imposed by the system topology. The corresponding grand canonical results are obtained from the canonical Monte Carlo data using the standard statistical mechanics formulas. These grand canonical ensemble results show that as the strength of the interactions increases, the system transits between liquidlike states and crystal-like states as the average number of particles on the spherical surface matches certain specific values. The crystal-like states correspond to sharp minima in the plot of the standard deviation in the number of particles on the spherical surface versus the average value of this number. We also test the validity of the integral equation approaches for this kind of closed but boundless systems: It is found that the Percus-Yevick approximation overestimates the correlations for this system in a liquid state, whereas the hypernetted-chain approximation underestimates these correlations.