The present study investigated the sensitivity of the posterior part of the medial division of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) to the antinatriorexic action of the tachykinin eledoisin in the rat. Salt appetite was evoked by sodium depletion following furosemide-induced natriuresis. The results obtained show that bilateral injection of eledoisin into the BNST evokes a very potent antinatriorexic effect, a statistically significant inhibition being observed even at the dose of 3.1 ng/BNST. On the other hand, when eledoisin was injected into the lateral ventricle, just above the BNST, much larger doses were required to elicit comparable inhibition of salt appetite. The antinatriorexic effect of eledoisin into the BNST is apparently behaviorally selective, since the same doses, which inhibited salt appetite, did not significantly affect the intake of 10% sucrose solution in the sodium-depleted animal. Present results suggest that the BNST is a site of action for the effect of tachykinins on salt appetite.