Clinical and serologic effects of TDI exposure were studied in 112 occupationally exposed plant workers. Sera were obtained before and after commencement of TDI production. All subjects were skin-tested with common inhalant allergens and a TDI-HSA conjugate. Total eosinophil counts, immunoglobulin quantitations, and specific antibody assays by PCA, P-K, and radioimmunoassay were performed. Clinically "sensitive" individuals were tested by provocative inhalation challenge with from 0.005 ppm to the threshold limit value of 0.02 ppm TDI. No TDI-induced immunologic changes were noted with the exception of 3 individuals who demonstrated small positive wheal-and-erythema reactions to TDI-HSA but not to HSA alone. Inhalation challenge with TDI vapor produced airways obstruction, as measured by FEF (25-75). These responses were of the immediate, delayed, and dual type, and were provoked in some cases with levels as low as 0.005 ppm TDI.