To determine if routine pre-treatment clinical data can be used to predict the development of overt renal insufficiency following treatment of feline hyperthyroidism, we studied retrospectively all non-azotemic cats undergoing treatment for hyperthyroidism at our hospital. Medical records were reviewed for signalment, clinical signs, and serum biochemical, hematologic and urinalysis parameters before and after treatment for hyperthyroidism. Two groups - cats that developed post-treatment renal insufficiency, and those that did not - were compared. No significant differences could be detected between the groups with respect to the parameters measured. Our study suggests that the results of routine pre-treatment clinical data cannot be used to reliably predict renal function after treatment for hyperthyroidism, validating the necessity of a methimazole trial prior to definitive therapy. The widely held belief that cats with pre-treatment urine specific gravity>1.035 are at less risk for development of renal azotemia after treatment of hyperthyroidism seems unwarranted.