Aim: This was to use x-ray microtomography (XMT), to assess the mineral composition and 3-D structure of enamel and bone in the teeth and skulls of diabetic rodents.
Methods: Three-dimensional images of the skull were reconstructed using computer generated false colour to highlight different levels of mineralization in bone and enamel.
Results: These showed that diabetic rodents exhibited more wear in their teeth. Deformities were observed in the alveolar process of the mandible and maxilla. Regions of extensive hypomineralization were found in the calvarial bone of skulls. The maximum mineral concentrations and the time constants for diabetic rodents were similar to the controls. The diabetic mice appeared to have random regions of hypomineralization and one diabetic rat had areas of hypoplasia in the mandibular incisors.
Conclusions: Diabetes may have a detrimental influence on the function of ameloblasts in laying down enamel.