Familial pituitary adenoma is a rare syndrome which may present either as isolated lesions, or in association with other endocrine tumors, for example in the frame of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN-1) or Carney complex (CNC). The most frequently described forms of familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) are familial somatotropinomas or prolactinomas. Recently, some cases of familial isolated somatotropinoma have been associated with germline mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) gene. The present report shows heterogeneous FIPA with 3 subtypes of tumor in 3 individuals of the same family: somatotropinoma in the proband, giant prolactinoma in a brother, and gonadotroph cell macroadenoma in the father. A prospective survey also suggested the occurrence of a silent microadenoma in the proband's sister. Clinical screening was performed in the 3 affected members, the 4th suspected case, and 9 additional, asymptomatic relatives. They had no clinical evidence of associated endocrine lesion suggesting MEN-1 or CNC. Genetic screening for germline mutation of the MEN-1, the gene encoding the protein kinase A (PKA) type 1 alpha regulatory subunit (R1 alpha) (PRKAR1alpha) and AIP gene was negative in 2 affected members. In conclusion, these data suggest that familial pituitary adenomas can occur with a heterogeneous functional pattern that is distinguished from MEN-1 or CNC. The absence of mutation of the recently described AIP gene suggests the implication of other predisposing gene(s). Collaborative, multicentric studies are needed to further define the location of gene(s) involved in heterogeneous FIPA.