Objective: To study the role of abdominal ultrasound in the management of complications after emergency or elective hysterectomy.
Methodology: The study compared 102 women who had complications after emergency peripartum hysterectomy (study group) with 102 women who had complications after elective hysterectomy for fibroids (control group).
Results: The study group had a lower mean age (31.1+/-2.1 vs 40.1+/-3.4 years) but higher parity (3.0+/-1.3 vs 2.0+/-1.2) compared with the control group. The primary complication in the study group was abdominal mass or distension (55.9%) compared with chronic abdominal pain (49.0%) in the control group. The leading sonographic abnormality in the study group was pelvic abscess (9.8%) while hydrosalpinx (6.9%) was more common in the control group. There was no statistical difference in the findings between the groups. Management of complications included ovarian cystectomy and drainage of pelvic abscesses.
Conclusion: Ultrasound facilitates accurate diagnosis of complications after hysterectomy and enhances management.