The diagnostic efficacy of ultrasound (US) in the diagnosis of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS) was evaluated, with particular attention paid to whether prematurity, age or weight correlate significantly to the sonographic measurements. The medical records of 187 infants with suspected IHPS were reviewed retrospectively. Eighty-seven had an US examination with details of the pylorus. Fifty-nine of these gave a positive diagnosis. The US criteria for a positive diagnosis were pyloric muscle thickness (PMT)>or=3 mm and pyloric muscle length (PML)>or=17 mm. The mean overall PMT was 4.14 mm and mean overall PML was 18.99 mm. Premature infants had a lower mean PML (17.8 mm) than the term infants (PML mean 19.3 mm); however, this was not significant (t-value 1.92, P=0.062). The sensitivity and specificity of PMT was 91 and 85%, respectively, and of PML 76 and 85%, respectively. The ability of US to diagnose IHPS using our criteria was significant (t-value, PMT 14.93 and PML 6.89; P<0.0001). There was no significant correlation between age, weight or prematurity and a sonographic diagnosis of IHPS (Pearson's coefficient<0.3). Therefore, the same US criteria should apply irrespective of prematurity, age or weight. Borderline PMT and PML measurements necessitate repeat US or alternative imaging.