Objective: To evaluate fine needle localized biopsy under mammography-guiding and skin incision selection by hookwire under ultrasound-guiding for patients with breast microcalcification.
Methods: Breast microcalcification of 178 patients treated from May 2000 to November 2006 were resected after localized with fine needle under X-ray mammography-guiding. Among them, 62 patients received the selection of hookwire under ultrasound-guiding.
Results: Breast cancer was detected in 58 patients (32.6%). Among them, 32 (55.1%) cases were carcinoma in situ, 11 (19.0%) intraductal carcinoma with early infiltration, 15 (25.9%) infiltrative ductal carcinoma, and 4 infiltrative ductal carcinoma with lymph node metastasis. The overall 5-year survival rate was 100%. Compared with that in needle guided group, the acceptable rate of cosmetic results was higher in hookwire group (P = 0.022).
Conclusions: For breast microcalcification, mammography guided needle biopsy with ultrasound selected skin incision is an effective and accurate diagnostic method.